Friday 12 December 2014

Final assignment

Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of western music both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day.
Given the extremely broad variety of forms, styles, genres, and historical periods generally perceived as being described by the term "classical music," it is difficult to list characteristics that can be attributed to all works of that type. Vague descriptions are plentiful, such as describing classical music as anything that "lasts a long time," a statement made rather moot when one considers contemporary composers who are described as classical; or music that has certain instruments like violins, which are also found in other genres. However, there are characteristics that classical music contains that few or no other genres of music contain. This score typically determines details of rhythm, pitch, and, where two or more musicians (whether singers or instrumentalists) are involved, how the various parts are coordinated. The written quality of the music has, in addition to preserving the works, enabled a high level of complexity within them.

Lone wolf

A lone wolf is an animal or person that generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group. The term originates from wolf behavior. Normally a pack animal, wolves that have left, or been excluded from, their pack are described as lone wolves.I came up with the idea because it suites my personality to works alone.Most of the song played in class had sadness ,sorrow, and negative emotions.I drew the wolf howling under the moonlight by itself to show sorrow while a building at the corner to represent a group of people leaving behind the wolf.The plants nearby the wolf represent freedom because plants grow where ever they want without being told.The blue sky represents sadness and the moon represents the emptiness.I also used a toothpick to scratch out the effect of the plants to make it more realistic.

Peaceful scenery

It is a view of a beautiful and yet a peaceful lake.This ideas just popped out of my head when i heard the soothing sound of the music played by Miss Lisa.I started by pouring water on the a1 paper for my first time so it went a little bit away so i quickly touch up by painting some light blues to make it a very nice effect.Then it was the 4 th song and it was a bit sinister so i suddenly drew a lot of plants with sharp edges because i just cant explain what i was think so i just express the feeling while hearing the music.The most interesting part was that the tone and height of the leaves are actually representing the high pitch and low pitch of the song.

It was the best and last assignment.I really enjoy paint to music because it helps me to express my feeling when i was listening to the music.It is fun because we 'just do it' without hesitation and enjoying ourselves during the process.