Wednesday 17 September 2014

Self portrait

Miss Lisa asked us to make a self portrait.During the process in finding my won self portrait i explore about other people self portraits in the internet and most of them are unique so i try to come out with my own design of self portrait by combining other people artworks together.i spend a lot of tume trying to figure out how to make my self portrait look alike as myself.i tried typography but i felt like it was too common and some of my classmates will do the same so i reject my own typography and start another kind.Luckily Miss lisa gave us an assignment on paper cut out and i use most of my cutting skills and apply it at my self portrait.after my self portrait is done,i applied colour by flicking the brush to make spots and i use the straw to blow the watercolour so that it may look more dynamic.the colour i used in my painting is red ,blue,yellow,and green.then reason i use red colour is because it is my favorite colour and it can maych with most of the colours.Red represent passion and bravery.the blue resembles the cool emotion i have.i am not a hot tempered person.the blues also resembles sadness.when my girlfriend broke up with me i am depressed and i intended to paint to release my depression.the yellow represent happiness and friendship.i can make friends easily because i wanted to make more friends.There is a quote "the more,the merrier".the colour green reminds me of me and my friend fishing at a valley and you may ask how did the colour green represents that? Especially the green is representing the colour of the pond water and its scenery.I use it because the water ,fish and scenery is represent healthy.I am very happy that Miss Lisa gave us this assignment because it is a way we can express ourself more by painting.