Tuesday 12 August 2014

Expanding square

Miss Lisa gave us an assignment on expanding square.It is an interaction between dark and light. Creating a black and white collage out of a simple square, and learning about positive and negative space.We were asked to produce 2 different expanding square.one of them is symmetrical and the other is asymmetrical.The theme I use is interior design.I choose to draw it from a top view because it is easier to manage the space
Lesson learnt:
1. To learn about positive and negative space.
2. To use a simple square and all the negative cuttings to create a collage, which will inspire a mask.
3. To understand about symmetry and asymmetry, and the Principle of Design, Balance.
4. To understand the Elements of Art: Space and Shape (Positive and Negative).
5. Good design has a balance of light and dark.
6.Craftsmanship is essential to good design.

Experimenting the assignment

Cut the design or pattern

Manage the space and arrange it to make it so that it may have a unique design

The final outcome